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Bible Study
“My People Have Committed Two Evils”
In reference to Jeremiah 2, Ellen White wrote an article in the Signs of the Times of Octiober 2, 1893. To the point thoughts for…
The seventh-day Sabbath in the Qur’an
While I was revising my book on the Sabbath [i] it was interesting to discover that Jews Christians and Muslims may well have the same…
How long did Israel’s slavery last in Egypt?
Many think 430 years to the text in Ex 12:40,41. But God gave the key to understand this text all the way back in Gen…
PSALMS – study guide for small groups
For those who want a nice introduction to the Psalms.To be used in small group or Bible study club.
One form of government had yet to come and would remain for a short while, the Dukedom, also known as the Exarchate of Ravenna. Historians say that this was the seventh and final form of government of Pagan Rome, The Exarchate fell in 751 AD.
Edited 11 December 2021 The large red dragon, with seven crowns on its seven heads from Revelation 12:3 (and Revelation 13:1 and Revelation 17:3), symbolizes…
Messianic authority
Jesus never denied His authority. He knew who He was, He knew what His task and assignment was. He begins His ministry with: “The time…
Tamid in Daniel – a beter explanation
by Ingrid A. Wijngaarde2017, Oct 15, updated 2018, June 2 Introduction The Bible book Daniel is only to be understood if the Sanctuary doctrine is…
Sons of God are not fallen angels
Who are the sons of God?Genesis 6:1,2,4People say, the breed of sons of God and daughters of men, are giants? But that is not what…
Where is heaven?
In response to the text in Matthew 5:5 – Blessed are the meek; they shall inherit the earth, I found this very beautiful explanation in…